
Acne Facial

This personalized facial is designed to clear congestion and repair the skin. Deep cleansing, steam, extractions, and exfoliation prepare the skin for a purifying masque. This treatment will soothe inflammation with high frequency on the skin. Toxins and acne causing bacteria will diminish little by little.

$110 | 60 MINS


Anti-Aging Facial

Combat aging skin with this powerfully revitalizing facial that renews, repairs and regenerates. Targeted skin-rejuvenating massage techniques help diminish fine lines and wrinkles, leaving skin noticeably firmer with stunning clarity.

$100 | 90 Mins


Under Arm Facial

This exclusive facial smooths, softens and brightens your underarms. The Axilla Facial gets rid of ingrown hairs, clogged pores, blackheads, shaving bumps and dirt. The result is visibly clean and brighter underarms after just one treatment. Recommended 4 treatments in conjunction with a regular waxing routine for more effective results.

$70 | 60 Mins


Express Facial

An ideal facial for those who are on the go or have skin that requires special attention ASAP with little time to spare. This 30-minute facial concentrates on cleansing and exfoliating the skin, finally I would choose the perfect ending requirements your skin is yearning for.

$45 | 30 Mins


Hydro Facial

The 2-in-1 Hydro-Dermabrasion Facial With RF works like a miracle: delivering radiofrequency therapy and hydro-dermabrasion in just one beautifully designed, high-tech piece of equipment. Benefits are:  Supports collagen and elastin production. tightens skin, leaving skin smooth and glowing.

$110 | 60 Mins


Dermaplaning Facial

Dermaplaning facial is a simple and safe procedure for exfoliating the epidermis and ridding the skin of fine vellus hair (peach fuzz) reveling new glowing skin.

$110 | 60 Mins


Signature Facial

Customized for your specific skin type and needs, this treatment includes cleansing, exfoliation, extractions, masques, toning, massage, and intense moisture.

$100 | 60 Mins


Teen Facial

This Teen Facial is designed specifically for the teenager (19 and under). A deep cleansing treatment for a teens problematic skin; however, great for all skin types. This facial is a great introduction for proper skin care techniques at a crucial age. I will include a teenage skin consultation with recommendations for at-home care to build a healthy skincare maintenance program. This service includes a double cleanse, exfoliation, extraction, serums, SPF, and moisturizing.

$85 | 60 Mins


Gentlemen's Facial

The Gentlemen's facial includes steam, double cleanse, beard wash, extractions, high frequency (beard and face), beard hydration oil, mask, beard balm, cold therapy, serums, and SPF.

$100 | 60 Mins


Virtual Consultation

If you don't live near the Houston, TX area then this consultation is for you. This consultation is a 45 minute to an hour Zoom or Facetime session. A customized skincare routine recommendation and follow up plan will be established to address your skincare goals.

$70 | 45 Mins

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